The Anglo-Israel Truth!

Distinguishing Marks of Israel:

The Jewish Chronicle for May 2nd, 1879, said, “The fate of the Lost Ten Tribes is a mystery which has a peculiar fascination for some minds… the Scriptures speak of a future restoration of Israel… The problem, then, is reduced to the simplest form. The Ten Tribes are certainly in existence. All that has to be done is to discover which people represent them.” [The italics are ours.]

Particular attention is drawn to the following facts concerning present latter day Israel:

  • The scattered Israelites would be gathered into a place of safety (Jer. 31:10; 2 Sam. 7:10); evidently islands and coastlands (Isa. 41:1; 24:14-15), situated northwest from Palestine (Jer. 3:18; Hos. 11:10).

  • Their land would become too small, and they would spread out to the very ends of the earth (Isa. 49:20; 54:3; Deut. 33:17).

  • They had to inherit and colonize the waste parts of the world (Isa. 35:1; 49:8).

  • They would grow into a “company of nations” (Gen. 35:11; 48:19), “many nations” (Gen. 17:5-6)

  • They would be a missionary people, taking the gospel “Word of the Lord” to the ends of the earth (Isa. 49:6).

  • They would have a royal monarchy, with kings and queens (Gen. 17:6).

  • They would be a great and warlike people (Micah 5:8; Jer. 31:7; 51:20).

  • They had to possess the “Gate of their enemies” (Gen. 22:17).

  • They would rule over many nations and be ruled over by none (Deut. 15:6).

  • They had to be a blessing to all the families of mankind (Gen. 28:14; Isa. 58:6-7; Micah 5:7).

  • Their territory would be distinguished for mineral and agricultural wealth (Deut. 33:13-16).

  • This is but a small portion of the Biblical evidence! This website has teaching articles regarding the people of Israel and the Biblical covenants.

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